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That concept comes from Dante's Inferno, rather than a Biblical source. The descriptions of Satan in The Bible tend to be more allegorical, since he is a spirit and not confined to a particular physical appearance.

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1mo ago

The depiction of Satan with three heads is a symbol of his evil and deceptive nature, highlighting his ability to sow discord and confusion. It is a common motif in Christian art and literature to emphasize the idea of the devil as a powerful, multi-faceted adversary.

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There are 8 possible outcomes when a coin is tossed 3 times. Here they are:1. Heads, Heads, Tails.2. Heads, Tails, Heads.3. Tails, Heads, Heads.4. Heads, Heads, Heads.5. Tails, Tails, Heads.6. Tails, Heads, Tails.7. Heads, Tails, Tails.8. Tails, Tails, Tails.There is only one outcome that is heads, heads, heads, so the probability of three heads coming up in three coin tosses is 1 in 8 or 0.125 for that probability.

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