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Science is a series of proven tests. We learn through experimentation and science has very specific ways of testing and then proving things which allow us to learn about how and why things work the way they do.

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Q: Why does Science tend to be a way of knowing about thing?
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What does science as a way of knowing mean?

Its strenghts, its limitations, and its interactions with our culture.

What would a scientist predict?

Anything that is realistic and something you can teach someone. Science is a way of knowing so you can predict anything.

Is walking a scientific thing?

Everything is a "scientific thing." Science is the way we understand and explain what's going on in the universe around us.

Is science primarily a method for inventing new devices?

No, it isn't. If you think in terms of "research and development", then science is the research piece. Science uncovers concepts and principles. Development happens when engineers and other ridiculously brilliant and talented "science types" take the concepts and principles from science and find ways to turn them into practical applications or devices.Of course there are important overlaps, but science is primarily a way of knowing and not primarily a way of inventing.

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There is such thing as a keylog if your that curious on who she talks to. Google it.

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Social studies and science are connected through the study of the impact of scientific advancements on society and culture. Social studies often examines how scientific discoveries have influenced historical events, societal norms, and human behavior. Additionally, science provides the knowledge and tools that help us better understand social issues such as climate change, healthcare disparities, and technological advancements.

Another word for life science?

animal biology, anthropology, biological science, biology, bioscience, botany, ecology, environmental science, medicine, natural science, zoology All these things are a way to study life science, the study of living things. Therefore, the same thing as life science

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How tall will a kid be if their parents are 5'11 and 6'6?

There is no way of knowing. Tall parents tend to have tall children. It depends on your parents and grandparents gene's (and to a leser extent diet, exercise and sleeping habits, whether you smoke or not etc) and chance, so there is no way of knowing, but in all likelyhood the kid will be tall. (a good indicator is looking at the size of the kid's femur (thigh bone).

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What is the importance of knowing the proper way of handling a Bunsen burner?

Is science and engineering hard if you're good at math?

Science and engineering tend to be fairly easy if you are good at mathematics.There are other factors that will have significant influence, so there's no way to besure of what your experience is likely to be if you're good at math. But we can befairly sure that if you're not good at Math, then Science and Engineering will almostcertainly be hard for you.

What is the definition of scientific progress?

The term "scientific progression" suggests the changing of ideas with respect to natural sciences, a way of knowing, yet how can science be held as truth or as knowledge if it is only temporary and incomplete.