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Scout describes Walter Cunningham's life situation to her teacher to explain why he may not have the means to pay back the lunch money she offered him. Scout wants her teacher to understand that Walter comes from a less privileged background, where money is scarce and not easily given away.

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Q: Why does Scout describe Walter Cunningham's life situation to her teacher?
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What does scout finch think about the cunninghams?

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What upsets Scout about Walter Cunningham?

Scout is upset with Walter Cunningham because her teacher, Miss Caroline, doesn't understand that the Cunninghams are poor and can't afford lunch money. She is also upset when her classmate, Burris Ewell, insults Walter for accepting charity and being a "coward."

Who stopped Scout as she rubbed Walter Cunninghams face in the dirt?

Jem stopped her.

Why did scout rub Walter Cunningham nose in dirt?

Scout rubbed Walter Cunningham's nose in the dirt because he got into a physical altercation with her brother, Jem, at school. Scout was defending her family and showing her loyalty towards her brother by standing up to Walter. Additionally, Scout was reflecting the cultural norms of her time, where physical altercations were more accepted forms of conflict resolution among children.

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Jem asked Walter to come home with him for lunch so that Walter could have a meal since the Cunninghams were too poor to afford lunch at school.

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Aunt Alexandra believes that the Cunninghams are not socially equal to the Finch family, so she disapproves of Scout being friends with Walter Cunningham. She thinks that associating with the Cunninghams could affect the family's reputation and social standing.

Why did Scout attack Walter?

Scout attacked Walter because he accidentally made her late for school, causing her to get in trouble with her teacher, Miss Caroline. Scout was frustrated with the situation and took out her anger on Walter by fighting him.

What is scout's punishment for trying to help Walter why does the class laugh?

Scout's punishment for trying to help Walter is a reprimand from her teacher, Miss Caroline. The class laughs because they find it amusing that Scout doesn't understand the social stratification and expectations of the community, as well as the unwritten rules about how the Ewells are regarded compared to the Cunninghams.

Why did Scout beat up Walter Cunningham?

Because she got in trouble for exposing why Walter didn't wanna take ms.Caroline's money

What was Walter white's occupation?

Walter White was a High School Chemistry Teacher.

What is Walter cunninghams education level?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Walter Cunningham Sr. is portrayed as illiterate, having limited formal education. In the book, Scout mentions that Walter Sr. never went to school, or else he would have been able to understand Atticus's attempts to help him with his finances.

Why do Jem and Scout get into a fist fight?

Jem gets into a fist fight with Walter Cunningham because Scout criticizes his family. Jem defends the honor of the Cunninghams by standing up for Walter.