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Q: Why does Sybil talk and act like a little girl?
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He is a little kid

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talk to her, listen to her, flirt a little, let her kno that you care( if you really do)

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Talk to her

Is a guy more afraid to talk to the girl they like or is a girl more afraid to talk to the guy they like?

The girl is usually more shy.

How does a valley girl talk?

they like umm talk like um this like totaly

How do guy talk to a girl that he like her?

not like that.

What is the best conversation should you start with the girl you like if you are shy?

baby you look lonely, how about you come over and talk on my little "friend"

How do you talk to a girl that you like and you are a girl?

Well if tht girl is the same as u thn it'll b easier but become friends This answer does not tell you how to talk to a girl you like if you are one....

How do you know when girl like you?

Talk to them.

How do know if a girl likes you?

well if a girl likes you they will try to be around you or most commonly flirt with you. when i like a guy i usually smile a lot when i talk to them or joke around a little.

What do you do if you like a girl but she doesn't like you back?

Talk to her.