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Q: Why does Thar desert have low population density?
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What is the desert's population density?

Many hot deserts, such as the Sahara or Kalahari desert, have a population density of roughly 2-10 people per sq km. However some European deserts such as the Thar and Arabian cann have a population density of up to 100 people/sq km. Large cold deserts such as Antarctica and the Gobi desert have no permanent population and have a population completely made up of temporary settlers or scientists conducting research. ya

Less population in thar desert?

Most deserts have low populations densities.

Why is the density of population in the Sahara desert low?

Its harder to live there.

What are the reasons for the low density of the population in the inland areas of the Arab gulf states?

Because they are desert areas

Why is there low population density in the 1500 km wide belt along the tropic of cancer in Africa?

That is also the location of the world's largest desert, hence the low population.

Why are hot dust storms common in the Thar Desert?

Hot dust storms are common in Thar because of low pressure and hot dry wind .

Why is the Thar Desert water-thirsty?

All deserts are 'water thirsty.' That is why they are called deserts - they are arid regions that experience low rainfall. The Thar is no exception. If it received more rainfall it would cease to be a desert.

Where coal is found in Pakistan?

Coal is found in Baluchistan, Upper Punjab and in Thar Desert. Thar desert holds the largest coal reserves in Pakistan and this coal is also known as Thar Coal.

Which desert has a low population density?

They all do ... except for parts of the American south-west. And you can't maintain a place like Vegas indefinitely.

What is one reason for low population density?

hostile living conditions Mountains, desert, poor climate, high death rates, etc

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