

Why does WikiAnswers make you enter a reCAPTCHA?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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So that computer bots aren't spamming the site.

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Q: Why does WikiAnswers make you enter a reCAPTCHA?
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What is a reCAPTCHA code on imvu chat rooms?

The reCAPTCHA code is to make sure you're an actual person and not an automated spammer.

What is a reCAPTCHA code?

A reCAPTCHA code is a form of CAPTCHA - Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. CAPTCHAs are a form of Turing test - this is a test made by a British man named "Alan Turing", designed to test an ability for a computer or machine to display intelligent behaviour. However, CAPTCHAs are specifically designed to be difficult to interpret by computers. This is usually used to prevent computers from automatically signing up for a mail account, for example, millions of times. Disputably, reCAPTCHA is the most popular CAPTCHA system currently in use. reCAPTCHA attempts to glean another benefit out of making people enter seemingly arbitrary words into their browsers: they also help in the digitalization of old books!

What does 'Enter a question here' mean on WikiAnswers?

"Enter a question here" is the box for you to ask your new question on WikiAnswers, or to ask questions that may have already been asked and answered.

Do you have to enter a CAPTCHA on WikiAnswers when you enter a question?

No, you do not have to enter a CAPTCHA when you ask a question.And when you answer a question?To answer a question, however, you have to enter the CAPTCHA if you are not signed in to the site.

What is a sentence for decathlon?

Jody, a user on WikiAnswers, decided to enter a decathlon.

How do you search a question in WikiAnswers?

You can click "answer", then enter questions in the box "enter question or phrase". Then you can find the question you wanted.

Do you have to enter a CAPTCHA on WikiAnswers when you answer a question?

Not If You Are Signed InSigned-in users do not have to enter a CAPTCHA when answering questions, but anonymous IP addresses do.

How do you make WikiAnswers endorse criminal activity?

You cannot make WikiAnswers endorse criminal activity, and WikiAnswers will never endorse criminal activity.

How to use WikiAnswers?

Type your question and click enter, and see all the results

Do you have to enter personal information on WikiAnswers?

The only personal information you have to enter is your E-mail address. All other information is optional.

How can you recover your WikiAnswers password?

Lost Your Password?If you have forgotten your WikiAnswers password, click the white "Lost password?" link on the blue sidebar and enter the username or email address you used when you signed up on WikiAnswers.

How do you make a badge on WikiAnswers?

you do not make them , you earn them.