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Some questions have no answer, or not one that you want to accept. Possibly the right person has not seen your question. We can all answer a lot of questions ourselves if we are willing to ask ourselves them and look for the answer. It may not be fun or pretty, but it is possible.

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Q: Why does WikiAnswers never seem to have the answers you need in these desperate times?
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the letters they use in WikiAnswers for the answers to your questions are TIMES NEW ROMAN.

How many times has WikiAnswers been viewed?

wiki answers has been viewed over 5 million times.

Why can't WikiAnswers ever give you an answer you want?

WikiAnswers only gives you the truth of the question. Whether not it was the answer you were looking for or not. WikiAnswers tries it's best to give the best answers, and a lot of times, those answers are good ones. But, there are some flagged answers, that may say something inappropriate, and that is not what we are about. We are a Q and A site, trying to give the best answers we have. And we will try to give you the answers you want.

Why is WikiAnswers so important?

WikiAnswers is important because it is a question and answer website and it answers questions for everyone everywhere. A lot of question and answer websites don't allow you to edit answers but WikiAnswers allows you to edit any answer as many times you want. Once the answer is perfect and percise, the answer may be locked by a supervisor.

A sentence with the word desperate?

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Did Churchill say Desperate times call for desperate measures?

Maybe he said it, but originally it is an English proverb: "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

Should you post silly answers because it is April Fools' Day?

Definitely not. WikiAnswers is a site where legitimate answers should be given at all times, even on April Fools Day.

Is WikiAnswers better than other question websites?

WikiAnswers, like any other question website, is free for anyone to contribute to, and so of course cannot guarantee the accuracy of every answer. However, the answers on WikiAnswers are free for anyone to look at and they have helped many times.

How many new answers are given per minute on WikiAnswers?

It depends how many people are online. Sometimes, only 10. Other times, about 30 or so.

What are causes for a hero?

Desperate times.

Can you unlock a question on WikiAnswers?

Answers can only be locked or unlocked by a WikiAnswers Supervisor. Answers are "locked" in cases where an answer has become a debate instead of an answer, or if the answer has been vandalized too many times. If a question has been locked for either of these reasons, it may be unlocked after a time, or may be kept locked if the question continues to be a target for vandalism or debate within the answer.

Why are answers on WikiAnswers so poor?

Because the answers are all from people and if people are involved there is also a level of error which must be taken with it.The answers on wiki answers improve with time! Questions that have only been here a short while will have worse answers than those that have been here for a long time and have been revised many times.