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Q: Why does Wikipedia keep asking me for money?
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I don't know, try wikipedia or something like that I don't know why do you keep asking me!! Give me a break idiot!

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Because he was not looking at you. When you have to ask for money, the least you can do is look into the eyes of the person whom you're asking.

How does Wikipedia earn money?

Wikipedia is a non-profit organization the only whey Wikipedia earns money is by donations

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Because Wikipedia is stupid.

How much money does Wikipedia earn?

Wikipedia is a non-profit organization the only whey Wikipedia earns money is by donations

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get lots of money and keep asking [hope this helps!]

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I think you are asking of the site "Wikipedia".

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your asking me? Why not ask wikipedia?! LOL

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Keep on asking this form of questions - money is one of the most vital factors of human life!

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keep asking her Keep asking her!

Why would a director choose an amphitheater?

try asking wikipedia lol