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its cold

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Q: Why does a 2 month baby shiver?
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Dee Shiver is 6' 2".

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Is it true that when you drink iced water during pregnancy you are going to shiver during labor and the baby will shiver too?

No, it is not true. Actually is is complete nonsense.

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Is campfire smoke unhealthy for 2 and a half month old baby we're having a cookoutburning untreated wood?

Any smoke is unhealthy for a 2 month old baby..

What month will Shiver the movie come out?

The exact time is still Unknown, bit sometime in 2012

How big is the baby at one month inside of you?

1" or 2"

What is average height of a 2 month old baby?


How much does a 2 month old baby weigh?


How much does a 1 to 2 month old baby weigh?

wieght=age in months+9 divided by 2. like for 1 month baby weight=(1+9)/5=10/2=5kg

What are the steps of development of a baby?

In the first month, the embryo is forming cells that will develop into organs and body parts. Month 2, the baby will begin moving in the womb, and the development of fingers begins. In the third month, the baby will develop fingerprints. Month 5, cartilage begins to harden into bone. In the fifth month, eyebrows and eyelids form Month 6 baby fat forms, smoothing out the skin. Month 7, the baby can open and close its eyes and follow light. Month 8, the lungs and other organs are fully formed. Month 9 is birth.

Can you use calamine lotion on a the face of a 2-month-old baby?

no that lotion isn't good for the face of a baby.