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it is air pressure

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Q: Why does a bottle get crumpled up while in an airplane?
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Will a crumbled up airplane fly further then a regular paper airplane?

No , a crumpled up airplane will have problems with the air not flowing smoothly across the wings .

Is make up allowed in airplane?

Yes, but lotions are needed to be in a clear travel plastic bottle.

If there is a bag of chips on airplane why does it puff up while in flight?

Air pressure.

Why does the bottle with rice rises up while pulling the stick?

this happens due to friction as the inter locking is more the bottle rises up

Where do chicken get their protein from?

crumpled up dogfood for chickens is a good way to get protein

How is an airplane able to stay in the air even though the airplane is heavier than the air?

While the airplane moves, the air pushes up against the wings. This has to do with the special shape of the wing, and, to a great part, to Bernoulli's principle.

How do you spell crummpled?

The correct spelling of the word is crumpled (pushed in, crushed, or balled up).

What can you use to replace the jiggly thing on your pressure cooker?

crumpled-up aluminum foil

Why a flat piece of paper is affected more by air resistance than a crumpled up one?

Since their is more room for the air to "grab onto" the paper, it has more air resistance then a crumpled up paper. Hoped this helped!! :D

How do you fix a spritzer on a cologne bottle?

To fix a spritzer on a cologne bottle, try pressing firmly on the nob while holding the stem up.

When you suck up the air out of a pop bottle why does the bottle scrunch up?

This is due to pressure. Once you take out all the air, all the air particles are taken out. Therefore, the bottle is vacuumed. The pressure of the air particles outside the bottle are stronger while they bounce against the bottle. Since there is nothing inside the bottle, it is uneven. The bottle then crunches up due to the pressure from the outside. I think that is what happens^ sorry if it isn't the answer you were looking for!

What dreams did Amelia Earhart have while growing up?

dreams to be famous airplane rider like the Wright brothers.