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Q: Why does a charged object lose its charge when it touched to the ground?
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What effect does grounding have on a charged object?

To ground an object means to connect it through a conductor to the ground, or Earth. Grounding is a way to prevent an electric charge from building on an object, or to get rid of an electric charge.

When the object is charged by contact what kind of charge does the object have compared with that on the object giving the charged?

When an object is charged by contact, the object getting the charge has the same charge compared with that of the object giving the charge. so if the object giving the charge has a positive charge, so does the object getting the charge

Does grounding have an effect on charged objects?

Grounding is the process of removing the excess charge on an object by means of the transfer of electrons between it and another object of substantial size. When a charged object is grounded, the excess charge is balanced by the transfer of electrons between the charged object and a ground. A ground is simply an object which serves as a seemingly infinite reservoir of electrons; the ground is capable of transferring electrons to or receiving electrons from a charged object in order to neutralize that object.

If you were given a positively-charged rod to charge an object by induction what charge will the object get?

When an object is rubbed with a charged rod, the object shares the charge so that both have a charge of the same sign. In contrast, charging by induction gives an object the charge opposite that of the charged rod. so your object would be negatively charged.

A charged object does not affect an object that has no charge?

It depends on the type of non-charged object. If the object is made of conductive material, a charged object will induce a separation of charge in the non-charged object. Its net charge will still be zero. If the object is not conductive, there will be no significant effect.

How is the charge on a charged object maintained?

If the object remains ungrounded it will remain charged.

How is the charge brought back to normal?

If an object is negatively charged, electrons will eventually drain off the charged object into the environment until the charge is neutral. If an object is positively charged, electrons will be attracted from the environment onto the charged object until its charge is neutral.

What is charge by induction?

Charging by Induction is a method of charging a neutral object, using a charged object, without establishing physical contact between them. _______________________________________________________________________ When a charged object induces a charge on another object without touching it.

What happen to the movement of electrons if you ground a possitively charged object?

Electrons would flow from the ground, into the positively charged object.

How come the leaves on a metal leaf electroscope repel?

An electroscope detects the static electrical charge on an object. If an object with a electrical charge is touched to the knob on top this charge is transferred to the rod and in turn to the metal leaves in the jar. Opposite charged objects attract and same charged objects repel. The charge on both leaves is the same polarity so they repel each other.

What happens when a negatively charged object is grounded by touching it?

when two charged spheres touched each other,they lose their charge as they want to gain thermal equilibrium.Every body in the universe went to their stable form so the same thing is done by charges

Why is it possibe for an uncharged object to appear charged if no charge has been transfered to it?

Charge is induced in the object when another charged object brought near it. this happens due to charge separation in the object thus making it polar.