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Q: Why does a dead person foam at the mouth?
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Your cat was found dead with blood and some foam on his mouth how did he die?

Probably from rabies or digested materials

What would cause foam to come out of a dead persons nose or mouth?

Rabies? and if they die from ingesting chlorine

What is froth foam?

Froth is formed in the mouth either when a person has a convulsion, or has rabbies. Froth foam is also know as Urethane Padding for under carpet....

Is a person dead if there is no heartbeat not breathing body is blue and foam is coming out of mouth from a heroin overdose?

You could have stopped with no heartbeat and the answer would have been yes, but then add those other elements and Yeah, even Stevie Wonder can see they're dead.

What will make youre mouth foam?

Foam WillAnd rabies!

Why do hogs foam at the mouth?

Hogs will foam at the mouth when they are overheated. This is also a sign of rabies, however, this is a rare condition in pigs.

What does foaming at the mouth in humans mean?

Human death that is characterized with foaming out mouth is not unusual. This might be caused by various reasons but the main cause could be pulmonary edema. Was the person exposed to rabies? Congestive heart failure is another possibiity

What does Foam in the mouth mean?


What does it mean to foam out the mouth?


What is the origin of the phrase foam at the mouth?

When dogs get angry foam come to their mouths

Can a heart attack make you foam out of the mouth?

Yes it can. My mother has just died from a sudden heart attack which caused her to foam at the mouth.

Why does foam come out of your mouth when you die?

it depends on how and why you die. i have seen foam come out when dying