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It could be one of many different things. Why don't you ask him? Or...if you mean you're the father of a 16-year-old and have no visitation rights, then why don't you go to court and get them?

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Q: Why does a father of a 16 yr old have no rights of visitation in California?
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Do I have visitation rights as a 17 year old father?

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Do I as the primary custodial parent of my six-year-old son have the right to say who he spends time with while visiting his father?

No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.No his father has that right when he exercises his visitation rights. You have no legal right to that kind of control.

Does a 17 year old have to visit father in a joint parenting plan that requires visitation rights for the father?

If the court order says the father has visitation rights, then the father has visitation rights and what the 17 year old thinks about it doesn't legally matter any more than the 17 year old would be able to get a court to find him not guilty of stealing something on the grounds that he really, really wanted it and couldn't pay for it.So, yes. The 17 year old has to visit the father. The court can't require him to be happy about it, but they can require him to do it.

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the father has not spent much time with child since she was about 8 months old is not capable of caring for her

Can a 17-year-old decide if his father should have visitation rights if his mother has full custody?

No, as it's a sign of parental alienation syndrome. see link

Can a father who lives in Oklahoma get visitation rights to a 5 and 4 year old if so which state does he have to get the court order?

In the state of the child's residency. see links

What rights does a thirteen year old have regarding wanting nothing to do with her father?

In most states the minor under age 14 cannot chose to see or not see said parent. Especially if parents are divorced and have either joint custody or some type of visitation worked out in the court order. However if daughter is under full custody of mother and does not wish to see the father and no visitation rights have been rewarded to the father the daughter does not have to see him. Most time the courts will decide visitation rights and so forth.

The father got custody years ago the children are 9 and 14 and he won't let me see them. How old does the child have to be for visitation in Colorado and can I fight for visitation?

Yes of course you can. Visitation rights or shared custody should be settled when they are babies. There should have been a visitation order entered at the time the father was granted custody. There is no age restriction. Unless you were deemed an unfit parent you have the right to a visitation schedule. You should return to the court that issued the custody order and request a visitation schedule.

Can you as the custodial parent of an 12 year old not let your daughter to stay over in the house that her Father lives in with his girlfriend?

If the father has legal visitation rights-no. You can file a petition with the court to change visitation to show cause. You petition him to go to court where you tell the judge why you do not want, what you do not want and the judge will decide.

What are your rights as the mother of a 4 year old boy whom father filed to have supervised visitation but never has he claimed or seen your 4 year old sense he was 6 months old?

Once the father's paternity has been established he can obtain a visitation schedule unless he is deemed an unfit parent by the court. In order to prevent his obtaining a visitation schedule you would need to provide evidence to the court that he is an unfit parent.You have the right to seek a child support order.

What is an 18 year old fathers rights to his newborn child?

His rights are to pay child support and petition for visitation.

Is it 12 years old to stop visitation rights in Ga?

No, it's 18 years old or a court order.