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So that the insects will fly to another flower instead of going to the hive or nest.

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Q: Why does a flower only produces a small amount of nectar at a time?
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Does nectar help flowers grow?

In order to extract nectar from a flower you will need to use a small tube device that has a suction feature. You will suction the nectar out using the tube.

Can hummingbirds eat bird seed?

Hummingbirds is one word. No, hummingbirds cannot eat bird seed. Hummingbirds mostly eat flower nectar but not only flower nectar. Most of their diet is nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds may visit 1,000 flowers per day in their search for nectar. Hummingbirds also eat ants and bugs and small insects like mosquitoes, aphids, gnats, caterpillars, small beetles, white flies and insect eggs.

Why is saffron is so expensive?

Each flower (see image above) only produces a small amount, so thousand of flowers have to be grown and the saffron has to be harvested from those flowers by hand.

Do animal bats sweet?

Fruit bats are small flying mammals. The fruit bat prefers to eat the sweet nectar from flower blossoms, and fruits in its habitat.

What is a mynahs diet?

Mynahs are Omnivorous they feed on: Friuts-Flower nectar-Insects-Small lizards. Hill mynahs are also known to eat Smaller Birds.

What do Sapphire-Bellied Hummingbirds eat?

worms, fruit and flower nectar.(but if you have a humming bird feeder around they'll eat what's in there.

What is mynas?

Hill mynahs are black with bright bills and fleshy wattels. they live India, Malaysia, Indonesia and siri lanka they feed on Friut , small lizards, insects, small birds and flower nectar.

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Yes it does The lighted back plane area produces the most amount of heat. The least amount of heat is produced by led type displays. The light transmitted from the television display produces a very small amount of heat.

What is hill myna?

Hill mynahs are black with bright bills and fleshy wattels. they live India, Malaysia, Indonesia and siri lanka they feed on Friut , small lizards, insects, small birds and flower nectar.

What will a small amount of hummingbird nectar do to a human?

Commercial "hummingbird nectar" is essentially sugar water, with possibly some dye and flavoring/scent added. It shouldn't have any noticeable effect on a human, or at least no more effect than an equivalent amount of non-diet soda would.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a flower and a bee?

For food, a butterfly collects the pollen from a flower. When the butterfly lands on the flower to take the pollen, small particles of pollen remain attached to the butterfly. The butterfly then moves to another flower, the pollen from the first flower goes into the second flower, pollinating the second flower, allowing genetic diversity among flowers, and causing reproduction. Also, when the butterfly lands on the flower, the particles fly to the wind, so that other flowers can also be pollinated when the polen is carried by the wind.

What vitamins are found in nectar?

Depending on the type of flower, nectar is an aqueous solution containing between 5% and 80% sugars and small amounts of nitrogenous compounds, minerals, organic acids, vitamins, and lipids. Of the vitamins, the only one in any appreciable amounts is ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and, as may be expected, this is in higher amounts in nectar from flowers of citrus plants.