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Q: Why does a golf ball accelerates when either if speed or direction changes?
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What does a golf ball do when either it's speed or direction changes?

The Golf ball Stops

When an object accelerates it is only changing speed but not direction?

No.When an object accelerates its velocity is changing.As velocity is defined as speed with direction, its velocity changes ifeither the speed or the direction of travel changes.As its velocity is changing it is technically accelerating (or possibly 'decelerating'if you are an American)

Why at a constant speed if an object changes its direction it is considered to be acceleration?

Acceleration is a direction plus a speed. If either changes then the acceleration changes.

What does a object do when it accelerates?

when the motion of an object accelerates it either increases speed, decreases speed, or it changes direction.

How can velocity change without changing the speed?

Consider velocity as consisting of a speed, and a direction. If any of the two changes - that is, if either the speed or the direction changes - then the velocity changes.

If an object accelerates in the same direction in which it is moving how is its speed affected?

The speed of the object will increase.

What changes if someones speed or direction changes?

The acceleration changes if speed or direction changes

If an object accelerates in the same direction which it is moving how is it speed affected?

The speed of the object will increase.

Velocity is the change of speed andor direction of an object?

Not exactly. Velocity is the speed and direction of an object's motion.If either speed or direction changes, then the change is the object's 'acceleration'.

What happens to the speed of an object that is accelerating?

The speed may, or may not, change. Acceleration means that the velocity changes; this means that either the speed changes, or the direction.

Velocity is the change of speed and/or direction of an object?

FALSE. Acceleration is the change of speed and/or direction of an object.

When an object accelerate what can it do?

When an object accelerates it can change its speed or direction of motion. When it accelerates without changing its direction of motion, it can cover any distance in less time.