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The reason the shirt appears red in white light is because it is absorbing all other colours apart from red which it is reflecting into your eyes.

When in a green light there is no red component of the light to be reflected so the shirt absorbs all the available light which makes it appear black.

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Arely Tromp

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Q: Why does a green shirt look black in red light?
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a black T-shirt

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i think it is green. Yeah

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A green object absorbs all light except green which is reflected by the pigment. White light is made up of all colors and all except green are absorbed; only green is reflected. If a red light is the only one illuminating a green shirt there is no green to reflect so the shirt will look black.

What color t-shirt to wear with a black shirt?

a light-coloured shirt, light blue or pink will look best

How a shirt can look green though the light falling on it contains red blue and green?

Because the green light is the only colour that is reflected back from the shirt. The reds and blues are absorbed.

What color will a red shirt look under a green light?

kind of brownish

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Yellow-green, or lime.

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While the ball would still be green it will appear black. Anything green absorbed all colours except green. The green light is reflected to your eyes which makes it look green. Thus in red light (with no green in it) the red will be absorbed and no green light can be reflected to your eyes so the ball will look black.

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White light is made up of three colours; red, green and blue. If the shirt appears blue, then the shirt has absorbed any other colours (green and red) and reflected the blue, making the shirt appear blue. I hope this has helped :)

When white light shines on Peter's shirt the shirt looks blue Why does the shirt look blue?

White light is made up of three colours; red, green and blue. If the shirt appears blue, then the shirt has absorbed any other colours (green and red) and reflected the blue, making the shirt appear blue. I hope this has helped :)

Do green shirts look good with black super skinny jeans?

Green shirts will look good with any color or type of pants, except green. You don't want to look like a green stick. I think that personally, black skinny jeans and a green shirt would look great!