

Why does a guy pursue you so much?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why does a guy pursue you so much?
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Why would a guy say he likes you and then not pursue you?

Because he may be in a relationship with someone else and just have you on the side so when the time is right he will pursue you then

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Use the word pursue in a sentence?

Examples of the nuances of pursue:He's planning to pursue a career in biology.The police had to pursue the robbers, but they did finally catch them.You can pursue the guy, but if you catch him you may not want to keep him.I pursue perfection.

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There are so many exciting careers that graduates can pursue in repairs. Some of them include electrical works, engineering, vehicle mechanics, computer repairs and so much more.

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because a guy farts and it stinks so theres my point. LoL :)

What kind of a girl would pursue a guy she knows already has a girlfriend?

maybb a stallkkerrr????AnswerSomeone is free to pursue anyone that they want to, especially someone who is not married.

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You let her go. Be her friend if possible, but don't pursue a woman if you are gay. It's a dead-end path. Find a nice guy.

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It depends if you are a guy...

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He left to pursue an acting career. So far, so-so. But he's a nice guy and I wish him well .

How do you pursue your mom to become a kid actress?

tell her shes going to kiss a hot guy

Why does a guy care so much if you like someone else?

the guy that gets upset is in love with you and is jealous

Why would a girl still want to pursue a relationship with someone who likes them too but has told them that they can't go out?

Its about mutual understanding, in some cases the girl is nor ready to jump into a relationship, so she asks the guy that she will not go out with him , and if the guy is understanding its no big deal.