

Best Answer
  1. Its a way a boy express his love to the girl by affectionately touching her thigh.
  2. He may want to explore the world of sex and pleasure.
  3. Thighs are one of the regions in girl's body that guys are attracted to.
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Q: Why does a guy touch a girl's thighs -?
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Do boys like girls with fat thighs?

me personaly no but every guy is different

How can shy girls tell a guy that they like him?

touch him.

Where does a guy touch that gets girls excited?

between her legs.

Why do guys like girls with big thighs?

Some do, some don't, so any girl does not have to worry, there will always be a guy somewhere who like girls exactly like she is . .

Why do anime girls touch other girls breasts and anime guy's cant?

Because men don't have breasts.

Do guys like thighs on girls?

It depends what the guy likes. He might like certain things, don't worry there are many men in the world today.

Girls have stronger thighs?

yes maybe

how do you turn a girls teen?

Every teen girl has their own turn on spots. Some turn on spots that most girls have is in between their legs above their knees. If a guy just rubs it lightly it turns a girl on. Some girls also like it when a guy lightly rubs their arms or legs or even their thighs.

Why do guys like girls with thick thighs?

some guys like girls with thick thighs because they see it as a very attractive, sexual thing. although some guys rather smaller things. always remember guys like different things and if a guy really likes you your body wont be his main worry.

Do guys prefer thin thighs or big thighs on girls?

def thin sz people who have big ighs like me but if you have in thighs an big but DOUBLE YR

What is the song with snoop nate and another guy and ugly girls are chasing them but end up turning into sexy girls?

Because you touch yourself at nacht.

Does tyga like fat girls?

No, he likes thick girls! Preferably with thicker thighs.