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Arabian horses are bred to hold their tails up, especially at a canter. (see: Arabian horses)

But if you are just sitting on a horse and it raises it's tail, it probably needs to poo, or fart at least!

Many horses wait till after being saddled and mounted to do this, especially in the morning. It is probably all part of the trick of 'puffing-up' to stop the girth being tightened to it's full extent! Or perhaps once mounted, they realize it is time for work and get their bodily functions over with for their own comfort, or, depending on individual personality, to let you know what they think of it all!?

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Horses swish their tails to get flys off there bodies.

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11y ago

Sometimes flies land on them so they hit them with their tail just as you would if you had a fly on your arm.

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Q: Why does a horse hold its tail up while a rider is mounted?
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When mounting your horse in an active arena with other riders you should?

On howrse, the answer is: Ask somebody to hold your horse while you mount Use a mounting block

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When mounting your horse in an active arena with other riders, you should: Ask somebody to hold your horse while you mount Use a mounting block

What is the name of the part of the bridle to keep a horse concentrated on one thing?

There really is no part of a bridle that does that, however blinders are designed to keep the horse's attention focused ahead of him. It is up to the rider to keep the horse focused. The bridle is mostly just a means to hold the bit in place which allows communication.

When was Hold Your Horse Is created?

Hold Your Horse Is was created on 2002-03-19.