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Since temperature falls off exponentially, the temperature falls quickly initially and then at a slower rate.

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Q: Why does a hot cup cool down more quickly from 80degrees-60degrees than 60degrees-40degrees?
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I think what you are trying to say is the sand on a beach cools down easier at more quickly then the ocean water because of convection status, this makes the cool water much more cool then in the ocean water because of radiation.

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It will cool quicker with the lid off, but aside from that it makes no difference. (Although for food hygiene purposes it is better to cool it off quickly and then put it in the fridge).

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Why are medicines stored in cool places?

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It will cool it down faster, but the outside is likely to appear cool and the centre will still be hot, so if you are putting a filling inside it may not be wise to rush the process.

What happens to the molecules when a material is heated up or cooled down?

Molecules heat up or cool down. like when you rub your hands together you get warmer and when you go out in the cold you get cold quickly.