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Q: Why does a lifebelt ave rope attached?
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What is the reaction force to you pulling on a rope?

the force of tension in the rope, which is delivered to the object to which the opposite end of the rope is attached

What is a bellpull?

A bellpull is a rope which hangs to a bell, or a handle which is attached to a rope which rings a bell.

What is a lifebelt used for?

what is a life belt used for

The meaning of rope vs line?

Line is a nautical term for a rope. But a rope can be a line attached on only one end in normal use. The bell rope, the bucket rope, the tiller rope, the bolt rope, check rope, foot rope, monkey rope, and the dip rope.

A 25 ft pole is attached at the corner of a parking lot that is 100 feet by 200 feet and a rope is attached from the opposite corner How long is the rope?

About 224 feet I believe.

Four pieces of rope unknown (but equal) length and 10 more feet of rope are attached together. The resulting rope is 30 feet long?


How does a horse eat hay when it is 30 meters away and the horse is attached to a 10 meter rope?

As long as the other end of the rope is not attached to anything, the horse can walk (or run) over to the hay.

Why does a lifeboat have a rope attached?

So you don't fall out There are loops of rope all round a lifeboat, which is for people to hang on to if they are in the water.

Making up a tow alongsidewhat line goes out first?

A thin rope, attached to the heavier tow rope, is thrown across first.

How important is the banking industry to sports?

Its Almost a free fall with a rope attached to you...

What is lifeboat davit?

a davit is a rope that keeps the lifeboaats attached to the side of the ship.

What is a rope attached to a yacth?

A hawser. A cable. A painter. A spring. Probably others.