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When the inverted beaker is placed over the candle, It cuts off the oxygen supply.

All flames need oxygen to continue burning.

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Q: Why does a lit candle go out when a inverted beaker is on it?
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What happens when you put a beaker over a candle and why?

Burning is a process that uses up oxygen. When all the oxygen in the beaker is used up, the candle will go out.

What will happen to candle in a beaker if carbon dioxide is added?

It'll go out

Why do candles go out when you put a beaker over it?

As we know that for an object or substance to burn, its by means of carbon. Fire is very complex and needs oxygen for it to burn so by putting a beaker over a candle you are actually cutting the consumption of oxygen by fire, which will stop the fire from burning. THAT ANSWER IS FALSE. Because the candle is under a beaker and most beakers have lips the beaker is not fully cut off from oxygen so there is still oxygen. The candle does go out because of the carbon dioxide that is in the beaker

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I had the same problem!! I would light the candle, rush into the armory room, but the candle isn't lit anymore! I don't know how to get the lit candle inside the room!

Why does candle go out when lid is put on jar?

Because if you put on the lid then the oxygen will be burnt and a candle will not be able to stay lit without oxygen.

What will happen if you put a lit candle under a glass jar of gas?

It will burn the gas out. Then go out.

When you light a candle in a closed beaker why does the flame go out?

Oxygen is needed for burning.When a candle is kept in a closed beaker a certain quantity of air(containing oxygen, other gases too) is trapped. When it is burnt then candle starts using all the oxygen to convert into carbon dioxide and flame goes off.

What do you do after get the chalice in Poptropica's haunted house?

after you get the chalice, I don't know but for vampire's curse when i get the lit candle and go to armory room it turns into a brand new candle that hasn't been lit before so what the heck should i do?

If a beaker full of vinegar and baking soda is tilted over a lit candle with out spilling any liquid solution out then why does the flame go out?

When vinegar and baking soda mix, they react to form an gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) which is heavier than air. The flame needs oxygen (O2) to burn. When the beaker is tilted, it spills the heavy carbon dioxide gas over the flame and suffocates it.

What happens when you put a glass jar on a candle?

a flame needs oxygen to burn so if you put a lit candle in a closed container (like a jar) the oxygen will continue to fuel the fire until there is no more oxygen and the candle will go out

Where does the candle go when its lit?

I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to - I'm assuming you mean the Shabbat candles lit on Friday at sundown. In the home, they are typically lit at the dinner table and remain their until they burn out. In the synagogue, they may be lit on the bima and remain lit during the service - or they may be lit by individuals or families prior to entering the synagogue for the service.

How was a stagecoach lit for night travel?

They had Candle Lamps that hung on the sides of the coaches. They did not give off very much light so generally people had to go slow and be careful.