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I have heard that if you chew gum will help, but I'm not sure if it's's worth a try.

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14y ago

Get someone else to chop them

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ewan ko saayo bzta alam ko lang sex

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Q: Why does a match stop onions burning eyes?
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How do you stop pool water from burning your eyes?

hahahah close them

How do you stop the match from burning out?

hold the match stick so its horizontal or upside down. That will only make it burn longer not "forever" no match will burn forever.

How do you make your eyes stop burning after you've swam in chlorine?

Wash them out with water from the sink.

Do vadalia onions make you cry?

yes they particularly make you cry when you are chopping them to stop you from crying you can wear something over your eyes because your eyes are where crying comes from

Why does cyclops wear red glasses?

He wears glasses to stop him from burning stuff with his eyes. They are red because you can see his eyes through them.

Tips to stop eyes watering when cutting onions?

Stick out your tongue (trust me it helps!!) ;D learnt it at school so it cant be wrong

How do you make your eyes stop burning when your cutting onions?

breath through you're mouth.Another AnswerOne thing that helps is to score the first layer and peel it off before you cut and chop the onions. For some reason, this first layer seems to contain the most fumes that make your eyes water. You can also rinse the onion in cold water before you start to cut. It won't make the onion soggy, in fact it seems to make the onion crisper. Good luck. Also, try chewing gum while you chop the onions.

What will stop you crying while you are peeling onions?

By chewing gum when peeling onions, you can stop yourself from crying.

How does Joetta stop her mother from burning Byron with a match in the book the watsons go to Birmingham 1963?

Joetta stops her mother from burning Byron by running into the room and knocking the match out of her mother's hand before she can use it. Her quick actions prevent any harm from coming to Byron.

Does milk help stop your eyes from burning?

YES! I'm a swimmer and if you fill goggles with milk (the more fatty the milk the better) and hold it to your eyes it is instant relief. The fat molecules in the milk attach to the nerve endings in your eyes and stop the pain.

How can you stop your burning?

to stop oxygen for burning

How do you Stop eyes from burning because of hot butter splashed?

Flush eyes with Water For 15 minutes. An see your optometrist or doctor to see if the Hot butter caused Any damage to your eyes.