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Steel is more conductive than plastic is. The reason for this is that iron is more reactive than plastics are as they have valence electrons and plastic does not.

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Q: Why does a piece of steel heat up more than an equal mass of plastic when both absorb the same energy?
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Why does a piece of steel heat up more than equal mass of plastic when both absorb the same energy?

Steel is more conductive than plastic is. The reason for this is that iron is more reactive than plastics are as they have valence electrons and plastic does not.

Why does a piece of steel heat up more than equal mass of plastic when both absorb same energy?

Steel is more conductive than plastic is. The reason for this is that iron is more reactive than plastics are as they have valence electrons and plastic does not.

Why does a piece of steel heat up more than an equal mass of plastic when both absorb the same heat?

Steel has a higher thermal conductivity than plastic, so it conducts heat more efficiently. This means that when steel absorbs heat, it spreads throughout the material more quickly, causing it to heat up more than plastic. Additionally, steel has a higher heat capacity than plastic, meaning it can store more heat energy for a given mass.

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