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Q: Why does a planet nearer of tha sun mves fuster?
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Which planet is nearer to the sun than earth is?


What planet has the greatest attraction to the sun?

Mercury because it is nearer and you will catch attraction of the sun and a better view of the sun

Why does mercury have a short year?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. According to Kepler's law of planetary motion, the nearer a planet is to the sun, the faster it orbits the Sun.

Which's the nearest to the sun mars or earth?

The planet that's 'nearest' to the sun is Mercury.Earth is nearer to the sun than Mars is.

Does a planet travel fastest or slowest when near the sun?

faster nearer to the sun, the sun has more pull to move it faster

What other planets are nearer the sun than planet earth?

Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than Earth.

What are slowest to fastest planet to orbit the sun?

Curiously, the nearer the planet is to the Sun the faster it orbits. Thus Mercury orbits the fastest, whereas Neptune is the slowest.

What is the brightest outer planet?

I imagine that another outer planet which is nearer of a star than our sun, should be brigther than the Earth.

Is Venus a star?

Venus is a planet. It is nearer to the sun than we are, and when we can see it, it looks like a very bright star.

What did a major planet not form out in the Kuiper belt?

Some may have, but they have since migrated to orbits nearer the Sun.

Which planet will be farthest away from the sun in 1999?

Back in 1999, Pluto was still a planet, but was nearer to the Sun than Neptune was from1979 to1999. Pluto's orbit is fairly eccentric; during parts of its orbit, it is nearer to the Sun than Neptune is. So, answer: Neptune was farthest, but it became Pluto again some time in 1999.

Why are the lenghts of the years on the other planets different?

The length of a planet's year is the time it takes to complete one orbit around the Sun. The closer a planet is to the Sun the shorter its year. There are 2 reasons for that: 1) The planet's orbital path is shorter. 2) The nearer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it moves in its orbit.