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The Functions of the cell wall and the cell membrane are different

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Q: Why does a plant has both a rigid cell wall and a cellular membrane?
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Is a cell membrane in the plant or animal or both?

There is a cell membrane in both; however, plant cells have "walls" which are a little more rigid.

Plasma membrane found in animal cell plant cell or both?

The Plasma membrane is found in both the animal cell and plant cell.

Do plant cells have a cell wall instead of the plasma membrane?

Plant cells have both a cell wall and a plasma membrane. The cell wall provides structural support and protection for the cell, while the plasma membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

Does lysosome belong to both plant and animal cell?

No, lysosomes are only found in animal cells.

Do both a plant and animal cell have a cell membrane?

Yes, they both have a cell membrane, but only the plant cell has both a cell membrane and a cell wall.

What provides a permeable barrier for the cell and do both animal and plant cells have it?

The cell membrane provides a permeable barrier for the cell, allowing for the regulation of substances entering and exiting the cell. Both animal and plant cells have a cell membrane to maintain their internal environment and support cellular functions.

Is nucleus in the animal or plant cell?

The nucleus is found in both animal and plant cells. It is a membrane-bound organelle that houses the cell's DNA and controls all cellular activities.

Cell membrane in plant or animal?

The cell membrane in both plants and animals is a phospholipid bilayer that regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell. It functions to protect the cell from its surroundings, provide structure and support, and facilitate communication with other cells. Additionally, the cell membrane in plants contains additional components such as cell wall and plasmodesmata for extra support and communication.

Which cell has a cell wall and cell membrane?

Only plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae have cell walls. You are looking at an animal or protozoa cell that have no cell walls. Cell walls gives rigidity to cells.

Do animal cells have wall membrane?

No animal cells do not contain nuclear membranes but plants cells do! Both animal and plant cells have nuclear membranes the main difference between the two is that plant cells have a cell wall and cellular membrane and animal cells only have a cellular membrane

Animals and plants cells both contain a cell membrane?

That's correct! The cell membrane is a crucial structure found in both plant and animal cells. It acts as a protective barrier that regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell, helping maintain cellular homeostasis.

What correctly identify components that are the same in both plant cells and bacterial cells?

Both plant cells and bacterial cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes. These components are essential for basic cellular functions such as providing structure, regulating transport, and synthesizing proteins.