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Q: Why does a rabbit need its tail to survive?
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Related questions

How does a rabbit need plants to survive?

A rabbit needs plants to survive because a rabbit is an herbivore. Without plants, it would surely die; no food.

If tail is to rabbit what is caboose?

If tail is to rabbit, caboose is to train.

How do red tail hawks survive?

Upon a diet of rabbit and mice ; see relevant link below to additional information .

Why douse your rabbit wag her tail at your other rabbit?

she twitches her tail to show she is ready to mate.

What is the peculiarity of tail of a rabbit?

Rabbit tails are used for warnings. When in danger, the rabbit flicks its tail up, showing the white part of the tail. This warns other rabbits danger is approaching.

What is the spiritual meaning of finding a rabbit tail?

Jese people there is no such thing as getting protected by a rabbit tail. I knew this guy that once went to jail and his mother gave him a rabbit tail and he was hiding it in prison for the 1 miserable year that he was there. Anyway, he had to hide it from the cops inside prison. He told me that he had to protect that rabbit tail more than what the rabbit tail protected him.

How long is a rabbit tail?

A rabbits tail is about 2 in. long

Who is peter cotton tail?

a rabbit

What kind of tail rabbit have?


Does the Easter bunny have a tail?

The Easter bunny does have a tail because he is a RABBIT.

Why hamsters have a little tail?

The ancestors of the hamster did not need a tail to survive, and thus over generations, evolution and natural selection did its thing and now hamsters have only a stub of a tail.

Do dolphins have tails?

Yes. Most dolphins can't survive without a tail because they need a tail to swim, they would most likely drown without a tail, but that doesn't mean it's completely hopeless. If Winter the dolphin can survive without a tail, another dolphin can survive too, as long as they put their fighting spirit to use for survival