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Because a desert is dry and only certain animals can live their where as a rainforest has rain and sunlight and food that organisms can live with

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Q: Why does a rainforest have more organisms than a desert?
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Does a desert support more organisms than a forest?

No, a forest generally supports more organisms than a desert. Forests have more vegetation, which provides a greater variety of food and habitat for animals. Deserts, on the other hand, have limited water and food resources, making it more challenging for organisms to survive and thrive.

Why is a rainforest called a desert covered with trees?

Because the desert is hot and the Rainforest is hot but the difference is that the rainforest has more plants than the desert

Why are there more animals in the desert better than the Rainforest?

The animals in the desert are better than the animals in the desert because the desert animals can survive like years without water. The animals in the rainforest get water like everyday so the animals in the rainforest would die if they went like a day without water.

What is a great summary for the Savannah Desert?

There is no such thing as the 'Savannah Desert.' The savannah is a distinct biome from the desert. It is a transition zone between two biomes such as a rainforest and grassland or desert. Savannahs receive more rainfall than a desert.

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How many stomata exactly should a rainforest plant need?

A rainfarest plant should have less stomata than a desert plant because of the humidity difference, also because rainforest plants with get rid of the stored water much more frequently than a desert plant:)

How hot is Sahara desert?

Hotter than it gets in the Amazon Rainforest!

How many rain did Gabon received then Egypt?

Gabon receives more rain than Egypt. Gabon is almost entirely within a tropical rainforest and Egypt is almost entirely within a desert.

How reptiles in desert and the rainforest alike?

both the climates of a tropical rainforest and a desert are, well, hot! They can both be humid, and are very deadly if you don't have any water. They are both found near the equator, which means the sun is out a lot longer. The only difference between the two is that the rainforest rains more, so more plants can grow than in a desert.

Does a desert have more diversity than a marsh?

The truth is... ! In fact a rainforest's is the top most diverse habitat, followed by deserts.

Why is a soil profile in a tropical rain forest different from desert?

in a tropical rainforest the soil is darker than the soil in the desert the soil is lighter

Why is there less desert animals than rainforest animals?

because the desert is drier than in the rainforest, so less animals can adapt to the little water. plus, it is too hot for many animals to live there