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Q: Why does a red tomato appear to be black under a green or blue filter?
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What will a green apple appear to be when viewed through a red filter?

It will be black because there may not be any green light reflecting the green apple so if theres no light then it will become black

Why a green object appears black when viewed through a red filter?

A green object appears black when viewed through a red filter (here a red filter means red light) because green object can only reflect green color and absorb all the other colors so in the red light it will definitely appear black.

What color will a red object look through a green filter?

It will look black, or green, depending on the hue of the red. A green filter blocks the red light but no red object is reflecting solely in the red wavelengths, and any non-red light will appear green through the filter.

What color would a blue shirt be if seen through a green filter?

A filter removes certain colors of light which pass through it. The primary colors of light are green red blue. Since the shirt absorbs all but blue light and the filter removes all but green it will appear black.

What color would a blue object appear through a green filter?


What color will the green apple appear to be when viewed through a red filter?

Black, or nearly so. The apple reflects only green light, the red filter only lets red light through, so nothing reaches the eye.

Why is the tomato cell not green?

The tomato cell is not green because the tomato is not a vegetable.

What color would a blue object appear through a blue filter?


What colour will a blue t-shirt appear with a green filter?

cyan light

Why ll a light fitted with both blue and green filters appear black?

The blue filter allows only blue light to pass and blocks red and green light. The green filter allows only green light to pass and blocks red and blue light. Therefore, the two filters together block all light.

What color will a green apple appear to be when viwed through a red filter?

red apples

What color would a red object appear to be if you shone a green light on it?

it would appear black.