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Q: Why does a steel pipe in a large copper tank corrode rapidly?
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If steel and copper were in contact in an electrolyte which would corrode?

Steel will corrode as the iron in it is more reactive than copper.

Does gypsum corrode stainless steel?

No, gypsum does not corrode stainless steel.

Iron and steel corrode more rapidly near the cost of an acean?

Salt is abrasive and we find salt in abundance in ocean so the salty water is carried towards the ,etals and thus they corrode more easily.

Why does steel wool corrode from water?

Steel wool corrodes from water because the water has oxygen. If the steel wool is in contact with both the water and oxygen it will begin to rust rapidly. The rusting will take a while. It will take between 5-7 days.

What makes copper corrode?

usually copper corrodes from a chemical process known as "galvanic reaction". This is caused when copper is touching dissimilar metal such as steel or galvanized. a di-electric union is used to prevent this. further questions Jeff at

What conditions are needed for steel to corrode?


Why is copper used to make the base of stainless steel utensils?

Copper is good conductor of heat as compared to stainless steel utensils. So if you have the base of copper, then heat will rapidly and evenly spread across the utensil. But then, why you do not use the utensils made of copper only ? Because, if there is acidic food cooked in copper utensils, the copper salts are formed, witch are poisonous. So we have advantages of both copper and stainless steel. Also it looks good.

What is corrosion on pennies from?

Several sources: Older copper cents corrode because copper can oxidize and turn greenish. The Statue of Liberty is copper and has oxidized to a green patina over the last century. 1943 steel cents corroded because their thin zinc coating wore through and they rusted. Modern cents corrode because the zinc core oxidizes very easily if the outer copper plating is damaged in any way.

What household items will corrode stainless steel?


Does stainless steel corrode quicker than aluminium?


Will calcium oxide corrode steel?

Practically impossible

What makes steel in cars corrode?

Moisture and oxygen.