

Why does a tobacco user try to quit the habit?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Because tobacco products are expensive and they are harmful to the body. Most of them cause cancer.

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Q: Why does a tobacco user try to quit the habit?
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Where can I find information on how to quit smoking?

You can find information on how to quit smoking at They give you easy steps on how to try to stop smoking such as realizing that tobacco creates a habit on a variable enforcement schedle.

How many teenagers try tobacco products every day?

Because some teenagers try tobacco products, quit using tobacco products, and keep using tobacco products,there is no exact number.

How long does it take to break the smoking habit?

It depends on your commitment. There are several ways to try and quit. For example, the patch, the gum, etc.

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From my experience, yes it does. I have psoriasis and have a habit of peeling it. My pathes kept on getting bigger and bigger, inches long. I finally try to quit my habit and after awhile they disapper. Then I got new spots, unfortunately.

How do you get rid of a habit?

Try to replace that habit with a better new one.

How do you stop coughing while smoking?

I'd suggest that you try taking smaller drags, or inhaling slower. If you still find this a problem, the best thing is to either quit ( i know it's hard ) or try smokefree tobacco products.

How spit tobacco is harmful for health?

It can still give you cancer, i saw a video about a man who got into the habit from baseball and he ended up getting a cancer inside his mouth. He had to get half his cheek removed, part of his tongue, and one of his lymph glands too. Don't try the stuff, it doesnt even taste good. Terrible habit.

Quit Smoking for Good?

There are a lot of ways to quit smoking for good. One important way is to try to find local groups that can help you quit smoking, and supporters. A few other things is to slowly ease off of it. Try cutting down by 2 every day until you can quit smoking or good. Chewing gum, and snacking on vegetables and fruits is a good way to quit smoking also. If it is too hard for you, then you can always go to a doctor and see what medications you can get on to help you kick the habit.

How do you quit sucking your thumb do you use nail polish?

Well if you're trying to get a baby to stop sucking its thumb, you could try soaking its finger in vinegar. Try not to use nail polish, because some people actually like the taste and it can be habit forming.

What types of products are made from tobacco?

Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, snuff never ever try tobacco

How easy is it to get hooked on chewing tobacco if you try it once or twice?

I started 12 days ago by doing it 2-3 a day, I didn't dip at all yesterday and was irritable. Today I've packed 4 lips, so I think I'm addicted but I'm trying to stop already, you don't wana get hooked! (You just have to control how often you do it, you feel like s*** when you try to quit)

What is the best educational class for smoking cessation?

There are several websites geared to help smokers quit their habit. Try which provides both tips and support. You can also ask your health insurance company if they have a support group you can join.