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Q: Why does a warm muscle contract more forcefully than a cool one?
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Individual muscle fibers can contract more or less forcefully depending on the strength of the neural stimulus?

Yes, they can.

Which kind of cell in the human body would have more mitochondria- a muscle cell or a skin cell?

Muscle cells have more mitochondria because they require more energy to contract than skin cells.

What works in pairs to pull your your bones in different directions?

They are the muscles. Muscles contract in pairs to move the parts across the joint. One muscle contract with more power. The opposite muscle contracts with less power and get stretched over to allow the first muscle to act.

What works in pairs to pull your bones in different directions?

They are the muscles. Muscles contract in pairs to move the parts across the joint. One muscle contract with more power. The opposite muscle contracts with less power and get stretched over to allow the first muscle to act.

What body part works in pairs to pull your bones in different directions?

They are the muscles. Muscles contract in pairs to move the parts across the joint. One muscle contract with more power. The opposite muscle contracts with less power and get stretched over to allow the first muscle to act.

What is the homograph for contract?

A homograph is a word with the same spelling as another word, but with a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation. So the homograph for contract is contract. A contract (CON-tract) is an agreement between two or more people to perform some kind of specified work. To contract (con-TRACT) has several meanings: to contract a muscle (to make the muscle tense); to contract a disease (to get or acquire the disease); to contract a word (to shorten the word or make a contraction of it.)

How does the structure of the muscle cell relate its function?

The long and fibrous structure aids in contraction of the muscle cells. It's like Velcro when touch each other they inevitably contract and they keep touching which makes them contract more untill they relax

Why do you cool your horse down?

muscle's are more apt to stiffen if the horse is allowed to stand, and moving muscle's dissipate heat better than stationary ones.

What features do muscle cells have?

They have more mitochondria than a normal cell and they have a stronger understructure.

What is the heart muscle cells special feature?

The muscle has unique features that are only in the heart.These muscles are involuntary striated muscle which are only found in the wall of the heart. This is specialised muscle that can contract, Cardiac muscle, like other muscles, can contract, but it can also carry an action potential (i.e. conduct electricity), like the neurons that constitute nerves.Furthermore, some of the cells have the ability to generate an action potential, known as cardiac muscle automaticity.Read more: Why_is_the_cardiac_muscle_unusual

How can exercise change muscle strength?

Muscle strength depends on the thickness of the fibers and the number of fibers contract at one time. And in order to compensate for the added work load,myofibrils are added in in order to increase the thickness of the fibers (more myofibrils,more thickness), hence a stronger muscle.

The iris is composed primarily of two smooth muscle layers?

the radial fibers contract,enlarging the pupil and allowing more light to enter the eye