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Yes, they can.

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Q: Individual muscle fibers can contract more or less forcefully depending on the strength of the neural stimulus?
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A weak stimulus can cause a muscle fiber to contract only partway?


How does the threshold stimulus influence muscle contraction?

The threshold stimulus is the stimulus required to create an action potential. So any stimulus under this level will not cause muscle contraction, while a stimulus above this level will cause the muscle to contract. The higher the stimulus the more muscle fibers are recruited, and thus the higher the response.

The level of sensory stimulus strength at which an individual can detect the stimulus at least 50 percent of the time is called?

an absolute threshold

What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved?

Each of the individual muscle fibers in the muscle are contracted when the maximal stimulus is achieved. Dr. H.

Which theory assumes that top-down processing can influence a person's absolute threshold for a particular stimulus?

Signal detection theory assumes that top-down processing can influence a person's absolute threshold for a particular stimulus. This theory suggests that factors such as individual differences in attention and expectation can impact an individual's ability to detect a stimulus in a noisy environment.

What is the automatic and involuntary response to any stimulus that does not volve thinking?

Automatic involuntary responses vary depending on the stimulus and the system involved. You need to be more specific.

Does the stimulus package just signed provide rebates to individual tax payers like the 2008 rebates?

No. No. NO.

In a healthy individual the primary respiratory drive is based on?

Carbon dioxide is the most important stimulus to breathe.

An animal is an immediate automatic response to an external stimulus?

An animal's immediate automatic response to an external stimulus will vary depending on the circumstance. When the external environment is stimulated there is a response that is triggered.

Proponent of stimulus-response psychology?

the expression S-R is used to symbolize the deterministic relationship of stimulation "S" standing for stimulus, and "R" standing for response, thus meaning that a stimulus arouses a response or a response is aroused by a stimulus. most of the time a third element is added to the formula to make it more comprehensive "O". that is the organism or individual differences.

What are determinants of individual behavior in organization?

behviour refers to the response made by an individual. The response may be the result of influence of external factors. The external factor is termed as stimulus and the acton taken by the individual is known a srespose

How long does it take to wear in oranotang stimulus wheels?

3 to 6 months depending on how much you slide