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Q: Why does a woman go to pick up a man?
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its a pick up line you could sayit to a attractve woman or man

Why is it that a woman has a lower risk of transmitting HIV to a man than a man does to a woman?

When the man introduces fluids to the woman there are mucus membranes in the vagina which makes it easy to pick up all kinds of infections. A man's penis has an outerskin, no open membranes, making it harder for the infections to get through.

How do you get a boyfriend super quick?

Go to the bar, and pick up the loneliest looking man.

What is the best thing a man can do after his woman has broken up with him?

just let her go!

Name something specific a man often compliments a woman on when trying to pick her up?

Eyes Hair Clothes Smile Body

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Muscles Car Wealth Job His Looks

Why would a guy say have my kids?

When a man says he wants a woman to have his kids, this can either be a romantic gesture by a loving man in a relationship with the woman he loves or a somewhat tasteless pick up line. If a woman isn't sure which, chances are, it is the second option.

How do you pick up a Japanese woman?

With your hands.

What might a man ask a woman he's trying to pick up?

Family Feud answers: what is your name? how old are you? what is your number? what is your sign? buy you drink?

What is the best way to pick up a woman?

The Fireman's Carry

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how much hot air do you need to pick up a 200 pound man

Where is the woman who wants the salt rocks on Time tangled island?

It's not a woman; it's a man. On your pocket watch where you can go back in time, click on the woman with the pink cap on. Then, when you're there, go all the way up, dodging the snakes, and you'll see a man at the top.give it to the man in the desert place with the snakes