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It feeds more people than hunting & gathering and usually provides a more predictable food supply. It also allows for more specialised human activities and hence urbanisation and economic growth. The downside is that people become rooted to the land and spend more time working. No such thing as a free lunch.

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1d ago

Agriculture occurs to produce food, fiber, and other materials to meet human needs. It involves the cultivation of crops and the raising of animals for consumption and other purposes. Agriculture is essential for sustaining human life by providing a stable food supply.

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Q: Why does agriculture occur?
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What does sedentary agriculture mean?

Sedentary agriculture refers to a farming practice where people settle in one place and cultivate crops on a permanent plot of land. This is in contrast to nomadic agriculture, where people move with their crops and livestock. Sedentary agriculture allows for more permanent settlements and the development of more complex societies.

What political party was supported by farmers and agriculture interests?

The Republican Party in the United States has historically been supported by farmers and agriculture interests. This support is often based on the party's policies promoting free-market principles, limited government intervention in agriculture, and lower taxes.

Throughout history what is an ecological impact associated with agriculture?

One ecological impact associated with agriculture is deforestation to make way for farmland, resulting in habitat loss for many plant and animal species. Additionally, use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture can lead to water pollution and harm aquatic ecosystems. Soil erosion and degradation are common consequences of intensive agriculture practices, leading to loss of fertile soil and reduced biodiversity.

What does agriculture and commerce mean?

Agriculture refers to the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for food and other products. Commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services. Both agriculture and commerce are essential for economic growth and development in societies.

Which one of the following is true of agriculture in Spanish America?

Agriculture in Spanish America was primarily focused on cash crops such as sugar, tobacco, and indigo for export to Europe. This system was heavily reliant on indigenous and African slave labor to support the plantation economy.

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