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Q: Why does ammonia cause colour change in the biuret reaction?
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Would cysteine test positive in a biuret test?

no! no change in colour confirms presence of cysteine

How do you tell if a substance contains protein by using biuret test?

If Biuret Reagent is related to the presence of Protein macromolecules, then a positive result will change it's colour from blue to violet.

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What is the function of alkaline solution in Biuret's test?

Alkaline levels are essential for the solution to change colour. Without alkaline levels, the colour of the solution would not be detectable.

Why white clouds form when freezer door opens?

nitrogen dioxide has a white colour .ammonia is use as a cooling agent in refrigerators.when ammonia is use up,a reaction takes place between ammonia and water producing nitrogen dioxide and water which has a white colour

What is an 'indicator reaction'?

---- indicators are substances which change their colour when treated with acidic or basic solutions this reaction of changing their colour is known as indicator reaction ---- ----

What does biuret solution specifically react with to produce a color change?

Copper sulphate gives biuret reagent it's blue colour.

What is the colour of blue litmus paper in ammonia?

The color of blue litmus in ammonia will remain to be blue . However the color of red litmus will change into blue. This is because of the basic nature of ammonia.

What color does ammonia change when mixed with cabbage juice?

Basic colour of C.J. is purple blue

What is the colour change in Protein when the Bluret test is performed?

When being tested with biuret reagent, protein turns a blue to lilac color. However, starches when tested do change to a blackish blue color.

What is the only sure sign of a chemical change?

Chemical change would cause change in physical quality or thermal value, the most observable quality is colour. It may observed a colour change of reaction but not all reaction had observable change of colour. In that case it will need to add indicator to observe a chemical change. Type of indicator may be different base on the concerned reaction. Indicator chosen may be the type that change colour due to pH or the type that react with contents of product to change colour.