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It's because of the lower gravity on the Moon. Objects on the surface of the Moon experience only 16.5% of the gravity they would experience on Earth. And why does the Moon have such a lower gravity? Gravity comes from mass. The more stuff you have, the more you'll pull with gravity.

The mass of the Moon is only 1.2% the mass of the Earth, so you might expect it to have only 1.2% of the gravity. But it's only 27% of the size of the Earth, so when you're standing on the surface of the Moon, you're much closer to its center of gravity.

Because your weight on the Moon is about 1/6th your weight on Earth, but your muscles are still as strong, you could do some amazing things. You would be able to jump 6 times higher, or jump off the roof of a house and be unharmed. And here's the coolest thing. Strap on a pair of wings inside an air-filled dome on the Moon, and you would be able to fly around with just your own muscle power.

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Q: Why does an object weigh less on your moon than earth?
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If you weigh 100lbs on earth you would weigh 16.6lbs on the moon and why?

Anytime you are in a place with less gravity, you or any object will weigh less. The force of gravity on the moon is much less than on Earth.

Why do men weigh less on the moon?

because the moon has less mass than earth so humans weigh less on the moon than earth

Does the weight on an object the same when it is located in moon and in earth?

No. Weight is a function of gravitational force pushing down on an object.There is less gravity on the moon so the object would weigh less.

Does the object weigh more on the earth or moon?

It weighs more on the earth. The moon is much less massive than earth, so it attracts objects with a smaller force.

Does an object weigh more on the moon or on earth?

It weighs more on the earth. The moon is much less massive than earth, so it attracts objects with a smaller force.

Explain how your weight on earth would change if you were on the moon?

The weight of an object is determined by how much gravity is pulling on it. The moon has far less gravitational pull than the earth, and so you would weigh less on the moon.

Is Weight is the force of gravity on an object?

Yes, weight is the force of gravity on an object. Which is why you would weigh less on the Moon. An object on the Moon will weigh only 16.6% of what they weigh on the Earth.

When brought to the surface of a moon will a mass have more or less weight when it did on the surface of th earth?

The mass will definitely weigh less as the moon is less massive than the Earth and hence the Gravity of the Moon will be lesser than Earth. The object's weight will be 1/6 times that on Earth.

Why would weigh less on the moon than you do on earth?

The gravitational pole is much weaker on the moon. Weight is the amount of gravity that pulls on an object.

How much do objets weigh on the moon than the earth?

Any object on the moon weighs 1/6th of what it weighs on Earth. For e.g., a 6kg object will weigh only 1kg on the moon.

If an object weighs 30 N on the moon then how much does it weigh on earth?

An object or bunch of objects that weigh 300 pounds on the earth would, if transported to thesurface of the moon, weigh 48.98 pounds there. (rounded)

Does everything weigh less on the moon?

Yes, as the moon has only 1/80 as much mass as the Earth, the gravitational force between it and any object is less than the gravitational force between the Earth and the same object. Every 100 pounds of Earth weight becomes 16.23 pounds on the moon.