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Q: Why does an unsymmetrical wing have more lift than an symmetrical wing at zero angle of attack?
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How does angle of attack affect lift and drag?

A higher angle of attack has an increase of both lift and drag.

How does the angle of attack affect the amount of lift?

Inclination Effects on Lift. As a wing moves through the air, the wing is inclined to the flight direction at some angle. The angle between the chord line and the flight direction is called the angle of attack and has a large effect on the lift generated by a wing.

What is the point at which lift starts to drop off?

This is termed the Critical Angle of Attack and represents a maximum in the Lift Coefficient vs. Angle of Attack curve. If the angle of attack is increased beyond this point, the wing will stall. For most airfoils, the critical angle of attack is around 15 deg. For swept back wings it is typically higher.

What is the difference between angle of attack and positive angle of attack?

Angle of attack may be negative or positive - it's simply the angle between the wing chord line and the oncoming airflow. If it's positive then the aircraft will benefit from the lift that is provided, if it's negative then there is no lift (but there's still drag). This is a potentially dangerous situation, unless you wish your aircraft to descend.

What three things are needed for flight?

Differences in air pressure, an angle of attack, and lift

How to convert Normal Force lbf to Lift lbf?

Lift lbf = (Normal force lbf) x (cosine of angle of attack)

What two conditions normally cause an increase in lift?

increased angle of attack and increased speed

What control stall margin?

Stall margin is the difference in the critical angle of attack and the angle of attack in which you are operating.Example:Suppose, critical angle of attack= 15°AOA operating in a flight= 5°then, Lift by the wing balances the weight of the airplane with a STALL MARGIN= 10°Stall Margin is being controlled by an angle of attack and the position of flap control..CHEERS!

Why do flow separates over an airfoil?

Because of a change in the angle of attack. When you exceed the critical angle of attack there is not enough wind passing over the airfoil and therefore disrupting lift, the airfoil stalls.

What is the coefficient of lift for a NACA 1412 airfoil at angle of attack of 4 and Mach .8?

min lift coeff of 1412 =.60 thefore Cl will be 1.10 at angle of attatck 4 and mach .8

What is the angle of attack of a helicopter blade?

It varies for all blades collectively as you pull up or push down on the collective. and alternates from side-to-side and front-to back as you move the cyclic. If you move the cyclicto the right it decreases the angle of attack on the right side and increases the angle of attack on the left side. Since the right side loses lift and the left side gains lift the helicopter will bank and turn to the right.The angle of attack of all the blades at hover will be about zero.

What is Angle of attack and stalling in aircraft?

These are terms that aerospace engineers use to define the flight characteristics that is more associated with the Wing and not the airplane. The shape of a wing will produce different lift and drag for various flight conditions. One parameter is the Angle of Attack. This is the angle that the wing makes with the approaching air flow. A zero(0) Angle of Attack is when the nose of the wing is flying directly into the air flow. As the wing is turns the Nose up, this is a positive angle of attack and this generally results in an increase in Lift. Turning the wing in a nose DOWN is a negative angle of attack and reduces Lift or creates a negative Lift. If the Angle of Attack of the wing gets too large, the wing will stall. Stall occurs with the air flow over the wing is disrupted and does not flow smoothly over the wing. This reduces the Lift drastically. When an airplane pitches its nose up too much, the wing stalls and losses its lift and the airplane will begin to descend. Some airplanes will stall and one wing will drop over and the aircraft will go into a Spin. Modern airplanes, small ones and large passenger airplanes, are designed so that they easily stall into a spin.