

Why does being anorexic make you ill?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Being anorexic means that the body is not receiving enough of the nutrients it needs to survive. It is also under a lot of stress from over-exercising.

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Q: Why does being anorexic make you ill?
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How do you make anorexic sims on sims 2?

You can not make a Sim anorexic.

How much weight can you lose if you become anorexic and exercise for three hours a day?

Being anorexic is a serious illness and if you are thinking of becoming an "anorexic" that is wrong. Losing weight can easy if you eat healthy. Becoming slim doesn't mean that you should make yourself SICK or seriously ill! Please seek professional help if needed. Exercising and a balanced diet will do good for you. It is better to be a little bit bigger that to be UNHEALTHY and sick !

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Was Victoria beckham anorexic?

Victoria Beckham is ill, why£ the eyes have been dead for years. I want, I have, right now. going through the motions being rich or poor, still in a rut.

When your anorexic can you drink Diet Coke?

Anorexics can eat or drink almost anything, but can also become ill.

Why are young girls wanting to be ill with anorexia your killing yourselves and men will not fancy you please help me understand i hate my body but would never make myself ill?

Anorexia is complex in terms of the mind. It is hard to understand exactly why some girls chose to be anorexic. Some may feel like being thin will solve all their problems, or that being thin will make them "beautiful" or "perfect". Anorexics often suffer from BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) and depression, along with isolation and probelms with trust and friendship. They may think that they are not going to die, that they can "control" it somehow, or they just ignore how dangerous being anorexic can be. You should not hate your body. While it is good that you would not turn to making yourself ill in any way, you should be happy with your body. Everyone is beautiful, inside and out. Learn to love who you are and how you look. It is what makes you "you" and unique.

Can you be in denial about being anorexic?

Yes, and many people are.

Why is Demi Lavato not acting?

She is in rehab for being anorexic.

What can cause hyperalbumenemia in dogs with no other abnormal lab findings the dog is anorexic but no other symptoms?

You can't get an anorexic dog, they must be ill take them to the vets. This is what happened to one of my dogs, it was just her teeth falling out.

I am 15 and weigh 105lb and I am 5.3 feet tall am I anorexic or just underweight?

If you're female you are NOT anorexic, you are about the regular weight If you're male then you have a real high chance of being anorexic.

Does becoming anorexic make you lose belly fat?

Becoming anorexic makes you malnurished and paranoid because you are trying to keep the fact that you are anorexic a secret. Being anorexic also leads to many deaths and mental illnesses every day, but back to your originally question yes it does help you loose belly fat.

What do people look like if they are anorexic?

You don't. Being anorexic is not healthy, and one can not look anorexic without being anorexic, or having some other health problem. Even a lot of exercise will not actually make you look anorexic, unless you're body starts autocannibalizing itself.