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Because the heart itself needs a blood supply in order to function. If the heart is starved of its own blood - it will stop.

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Q: Why does blood volume loss cause tachycardia?
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What does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci mean?

The cerebral does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci. It refers to the brain volume loss.

How does the heart compensate for changes in peripheral resistance?

Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhaging or haemorrhaging (see American and British spelling differences) is the loss of blood or blood escape from the circulatory system.[1] Bleeding can occur internally, where blood leaks from blood vessels inside the body or externally, either through a natural opening such as the vagina, mouth, nose, ear or anus, or through a break in the skin. The complete loss of blood is referred to as exsanguination,[2] and desanguination is a massive blood loss. Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10-15% of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties, and blood donation typically takes 8-10% of the donor's blood volume

Would you expect a fast or slow pulse with a sudden drop in blood pressure from loss of blood?

well it depends what was happening to cause the loss of blood if someone was slashed by a bear their heart rate would be very high if someone was just donating alot of blood it would be slow, in general losing blood = slow heart rate, basically like being sufficated because that's basically whats happening

What is tachycardia and cardiomegaly?

Cardiomegaly is the abnormal enlargement of the heart that is frequently associated with heart failure when the heart enlarges in an effort to compensate for the loss of its pumping ability (cardio means heart, and -mealy means abnormal enlargement). Tachycardia is an abnormally rapid resting heart rate (tachy- means rapid, card means heart, and -ia means abnormal condition). This term is usually applied to rates greater than 100 beats per minute. Tachycardia is the opposite of bradycardia. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, also known as PAT, is an episode that begins and ends abruptly during which there are very rapid and regular heartbeats that originate in the atrium. PAT is caused by an abnormality in the body's electrical system. Paroxysmal means pertaining to sudden occurrence. Ventricular tachycardia, also known as V tach, a very rapid heart beat that begins within the ventricles. This condition is potentially fatal because the heart is beating so rapidly that is is unable to adequately pump blood through the body. For some patients, this conditon can be controlled with an implantable cardioverter defibrillater.

What is a gram of blood loss?

A gram of blood loss is less than a quarter teaspoon; women lose more in a typical period, and people lose more in a typical nosebleed.

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Can stress and anxiety cause nosebleeds?

If the bleeding were not controlled it could lead to hypovalemia (loss of circulating blood volume). Which would lead to tachycardia (high heart rate) to compensate for the lack of circulating volume and respiratory complications due to the lack of haemoglobin within the body. Ultimately leading to an emergency situation. So, yes. - But only if it is severe and/or untreated.

How the blood vessels can respond to the lack of blood?

vasoconstriction and venoconstriction (arteries and veins) renin/aldosterone secretion by kidneys (to increase blood volume by preventing water and sodium loss) blood redistributed to vital organs (brain, heart, kidney and liver) tachycardia of heart (increased heart rate

Explain why severe vomiting and diarrhea would cause a decrease in the blood volume?

because it causes dehydration therefore there loss of water in the blood plasma

What is the volume of blood loss in a typical menstruation?

The volume of blood loss in a typical menstruation is between 30 and 40 ml. Blood loss of 60 to 80 ml is considered to be heavy menstrual bleeding.

How tachycardia cause loss of consciousness?

Tachycardia is a fast heart beat, which is greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult. When the heart rate is only slightly elevated, it does not cause any major problems. However when it is beating extremely fast (greater than 150 beats per minute in an adult), it can result in loss of consciousness. This is because if the heart is beating too fast, it does not have time to fill up with blood in between heart beats, so a heart that is beating that quickly is actually pumping out less blood than one that is beating at a normal rate. When the heart is pumping out less blood, not enough blood gets to the brain, and therefore not enough oxygen to the brain, since oxygen is carried in the blood. This is what causes loss of consciousness in extreme tachycardia. This is potentially a life threatening emergency, and needs to be treated in a hospital immediately.

Can heavy blood loss cause heart damage?

Heavy blood loss can and will cause heart damage and that is not a good thing and you can die from blood loss to your hearttt...

Is hemorrhage the term for low blood pressure?

No. An hemorrhage is an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel (it can be a wound or a bruise, or something really nasty that is internal hemorrhage). Hypotension is the term for low blood pressure.

What percent of blood loss is needed to cause shock?

A healthy adult has 5 Liters of circulating blood and another 500 ml as reserve in the spleen. Loss of up-to 500 ml of blood will not usually produce any tachycardia or hypo-tension unless fear of blood loss occurs in an otherwise healthy person.

Does quiting volume cause weight loss?


What happens when large blood loss is occurring and distilled water is added in the same volume as the blood loss?

Describe what happen to the body from a injure do to blood loss occur

A hemorrhage can cause?

Blood loss

What is the volume of blood in the extremities?

This depends on the external temperature of the human in question. The colder they are, the less volume is found in the extremities. However, the volume is considered high, because an injury causing blood loss in the limbs can cause someone to die in a few minutes without medical attention.