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Q: Why does bowel movement smell like a septic tank?
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What makes a bowel movement smell like cigarette ashes?

Eating stogies.

String like material in bowel movement?

Possibly a tapeworm.

Which team refers to the loss of intestinal peristalsis?

Ileus is a functional rather than mechanical obstruction of the bowel. It is a lack of propulsive peristalsis (wave-like movement) of the bowel. It stops the movement of bowel contents downward. There is abdominal distention and an absence of bowel sounds.

Is constant vowel movement a sign of early pregnancy?

No but it a constant vowel movement may mean u need to add a extra such words and to change the meaning. Like for example bowel movement. By adding a different consonant and not moving the vowels. We have created bowel movement.....a.k.a pooop.

What causes bowel movements to be foamy and smell like vomit?

Ummm... I am not exactly sure, but I feel that you may have a problem.

What sypmtoms would cause increase bowel movements?

Symptoms do not cause increased bowel movements. Increased bowel movement is a symptom of bowel disease which usually presents with abdominal pain and diarrhoea, and this can be caused by infection like gastroenteritis which can be viral or bacterial. Inflammatory bowel disease like crohn's and ulcerative colitis is another cause. Pancreatic insufficiency can causes diarrhoea due to malabsorption. People with nervous disposition can get nervous diarrhoea related to stress and also spastic colon or irritable bowel can cause diarrhea and cramp like abdominal pain. Increased bowel movement will also be seen in bowel obstruction with increased effort of the bowel to push the bowel content through the obstruction.

What does passed tissue look like in a bowel movement?

Tissue in bowel movements looks sometimes opaque, white or gray. It can also look long and kind of stringy.

Why do some bowel movements smell like sulphur or rotten eggs?

Normally that would mean an ulcer. Check with your doctor.

Is ammonia harmful to septic tanks?

Any chemical that may stop natural fermentation is not good for a septic tank. If your tank starts to smell mix yeast and sugar and flush it down the toilet. This will get it working as it should. It's like making beer or wine.

Can you use a raised fire pit over your septic tank?

Given that digesting sewage produces methane it sounds like a recipe for a very smell explosion! Don't do it!

Can Castor Oil Hurt my thirty week fetus?

Yes. Just like it will give you a bowel movement it will do the same to the fetus and it can be fatal.

What does getting an anal cream pie feel like?

Will feel a warm liquid in you. After he pulls out, you may feel the need to have a bowel movement.