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He buys it because Balthasar has just told him that Juliet is dead and he vows to kill himself if they can't be together. He can't live without his Juliet.

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Romeo is depressed about Juliet dieing, he can't live any more.

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What did romeo buy from the apothecary?

With money. The apothecary was poor and would do anything for some spare ducats.

What does Romeo buy to help him with his suicide?

fast acting poison

Why does Romeo buy the potion?

The potion that Romeo buys is poison and he buys it because he wants to kill himself after thinking Juliet is dead.

What plan does Romeo make when he hears that Juliet is dead?

He decides to buy poison, then go to the tomb and poison himself after being with her corpse. Which is what he does.

What does romeo try to do when he hears about Juliet an who stops him?

Romeo try to buy some poison for apothecary for some money, Balthazar is trying to stop him from doing it but, Romeo doesn't care.

Who was the poor man that sold poison to romeo?

The person who sold the poison to Romeo was "The Apothecary."

Who does romeo buy the poisen from?

Romeo buys the poison from an apothecary in Mantua. The apothecary sells him the poison despite knowing its deadly purpose.

How does Romeo decide to kill himself?

Romeo drinks poison.

What does Romeo buy at the end of scene 1?

Romeo buys a ticket to the Capulet party from the servant in scene 1 of "Romeo and Juliet." This ticket allows him to attend the party where he meets Juliet for the first time.

Why does romeo think the apothecary will sell him poison?

Romeo thinks Juliet is dead Doesn't want to live without her The apothecary is poor, gets paid

What weapons did Romeo and Juliet die with?

Romeo kills himself with poison bought from the apothecary and Juliet stabs herself with Romeo's dagger.

Why does apothercarary sell Romeo the poison?

At first, the apothecary was not going to sell Romeo the poison because to do so was against the law and punishable by death. But Romeo convinced him by saying that he was so poor and starved that he should just sell it to him anyway. If he didn't sell him the poison, he probably would have died of starvation or disease. Romeo said that either way he might die, so he should sell him to poison to go buy some food. long story short; Romeo uses money to convice him since the apothercaray was a very poor man