

Why does chemical bonding occur?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why does chemical bonding occur?
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Which subatomic particle allows chemical bonding to occur?

electrons electrons

Is the type of bonding between elements in a compound chemical-chemically?

Type of bonding between elements in a compound chemical-chemically is chemical bonding.

What is it called when different elements join to form a substance?

When different elements join to form a substance, it is called a chemical reaction or a chemical bonding process. During this process, atoms of different elements combine and rearrange to create a new substance with different properties. This can occur through various types of bonding such as ionic bonding, covalent bonding, or metallic bonding.

What does chemical bonding accomplish?

Chemical bonding accomplishes stability in atoms

What is the chemical bonding present in ammonia?

The chemical Bonding present is covalent bonding since nitrogen and hydrogen are non-metals

Which subatomic particles are involveld in chemical bonding?

The valance electrons of an element are involved in chemical bonding.

What part of an involved in a chemical bonding?

The outer shell electrons of an atom are involved in chemical bonding

What is the weakest type of chemical bonding?

London dispersion forces are the weakest type of chemical bonding.

What type of chemical bonding does motor oil have?

Intramolecular bonding = covalentIntermolecular bonding = dispersion

Type of chemical bonding found in the diamond?

it has covalent bonding

Which type of bonding is more dominant in solids?

chemical bonding

What is a chemical bond formed by atoms losing or gaining electrons called?

This chemical bonding is called ionic bonding.