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It melts on everything when introduced to a heat source

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Q: Why does chocolate melt on marshmallows?
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Related questions

Why does chocolate melt faster than marshmallows?

Chocolate contains sugars and milk fats and lipids, which make it melt much easier than the pectin, gluten, and sugars in marshmallows do.

How do you make a rice crispie cake with marshmallows and chocolate drops?

To make rice crispy cakes with chocolate chips and marshcmeallows you just melt the chocolate and marshmallows and then stir in the rice crispys until it looks delectable :) ........................ then you put them in individual cases on a tray which then goes in the fridge for 30 mins until they set and c=go crispy :) yum yum :P

Are chocolate chip cookies or marshmallows candies?


What drink is served with marshmallows?

Hot Chocolate

How long does it take to melt chocolate?

It really depends on the amount of chocolate you are trying to melt.

What are the main ingredients of rocky road?

Chocolate and Marshmallows

How can you convert a recipe to use jumbo marshmallows?

melt down the mini marshmallows and make it into a big one.

What is a s'more?

Roasted marshmallows and a chocolate bar between two graham crackers.

Why does the Reese's chocolate melt first?

The chocolate is easier to melt than the peanut butter filling and because the chocolate is on the outside.

Do fish eat marshmallows?

Only with chocolate and graham crackers.

What happens when you toast a marshmallow?

Marshmellow's are a tasty frozen treat...and freezing them can help to keep them from going stale.

Which part of the house makes the chocolate melt the fastest?

The microwave or the stovetop will melt chocolate the fastest.