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Q: Why does condensation happen with a warm glass of water?
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Why do water droplets form on the outside of a glass of water?

This is called "condensation" on a glass, and "dew" if it occurs on grass / leaves. When the "dew point" of air is above the temperature of the surface of the glass, condensation will occur as humidity from the air releases heat into the glass and changes state from gas to liquid.

To condense is a physical or chemical change?

Condensation can be a physical process whereby a vapour becomes a liquid e.g. the 'steam' (water vapour) from your shower condenses on the bathroom window and runs down as water to form a puddle on the windowsill. Warm air can hold more water than cold air - the warm, vapour-laden air is cooled as it comes in contact with the colder glass and can hold less vapour so the surplus appears as water on the glass. In chemistry there are 'condensation reactions'

What happens when ice is placed in a warm glass of water?

The ice will begin melting and will cool the warm water.

How does condensation happens?

Well, as a cold object (for example) meets a warm environment, the air sub-particles condense which in turn forms small water droplets. The water droplets then combine and create the wetness that you can feel on the outside of the object. Condensation's main dependent factor is temperature, but elevation, latitude&longitude, and climate can innerfere with the process. In other words, the process occurs slightly different in other parts of the globe.

What happens to water during condensation?

The warm water vapour loses heat to the sky and condenses into water droplets, forming clouds.

Related questions

Why didn't the same thing happen to the glass filled with warm water?

Water droplets form when the water vapor cools. The cooling causes it to condense into water. A warm glass does not cause cooling or condensation, so no water droplets.

Why do water droplets from outside of a glass of water?

If warm moist air comes into contact with the cold outer surface of a glass of water, condensation takes place.

Why does a cold glass of water sweat on a warm day?

Due to condensation. Condensation isThe process of changing from a gaseous to a liquid or solid stateatmospheric moisture that has condensed because of cold

Why there are no water droplets outside of a warm cup?

Condensation can only occur on a glass that is cold. The reason why condensation forms is because water vapor in the air (a gas) cools and turns into liquid water when it comes into contact with a cold surface.

What is correct- A glass of warm water or A warm glass of water?

Do you mean the actual glass itself is warm or the water inside? If the water is warm then its a glass of warm water What is the noun you want to modify -- the glass or the water? It's hard to imagine a warm glass containing cold water, but I suppose it's possible.

Why does a mirror get moist if a room's temperature is high?

If you turn up the heat in a room, that won't necessarily cause condensation to form on mirrors in the room. The formation of tiny water droplets on the mirror depends upon how humid the air is to begin with, what the temperature of the glass is compared to the nearby air, and how clean or dirty the glass is. (Condensation has a hard time forming on clean glass.) If the room heated up very quickly, much faster than the mirror, then condensation could form on the glass. If you happen to bring a cold mirror into a warm, humid room, then condensation will form on the mirror. Or if you introduce steam or water vapor into a room, as when you turn on the hot water in the shower, condensation may form on the mirrors in the bathroom. In both cases, the condensation forms not because the temperature in the room is high but because the temperature of the air close to the glass is much cooler than the air in the rest of the room. Since cool air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air, the water vapor precipitates out of the air and forms microscopic liquid water droplets on tiny pieces of dust on the glass.

Why does glass of water sweat?

The glass is not actually "sweating." What you are seeing is condensation of water molecules from the air onto the glass's surface. Because the water in the glass has less energy than the water in the air (it's cooler), energy from the water molecules in the warmer air is given up to warm the cooler water in the glass. This loss of energy results in the air water molecules' inability to break the number of hydrogen bonds between themselves necessary to remain in the gas phase and ultimately the condensation of water onto the outside of the glass surface.

Ice water placed in a dry glass on a warm summer day will cause the water to appear on the outside of the glass.What is the process that forms water on the outside of the glass?

The process is called condensation, the ice water touching the glass causes the glass to cool and which causes the water vapour in the air to condense on the outside of the glass.

Why does condensation form on a glass of iced tea?

Take a glass of cold water into a warm room, and the moisture in the warm room will condense on to the outside surface of the cold glass. Therefore, the water droplets form due to condensation.

What will happen when a jar of warm water is covered from top with a steel plate containing ice-cubes?

Drops of water at lower side of plate appear due to condensation.

When is condensation more likely to occur?

Condensation usually occurs on a surface that is cooler than the adjacent gas. A substance condenses when the pressure exerted by its vapour exceeds the vapour pressure of its liquid or solid phase at the temperature of the surface where the condensation is to occur. The process causes the release of thermal energy. Condensation occurs on a glass of cold water on a warm, humid day when water vapour in the air condenses to form liquid water on the glass's colder surface. Condensation also accounts for the formation of dew, fog, rain, snow, and clouds.

What happens when air is directly over a warm surface?

condensation starts to happen