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The cramping occurs because the uterus attempts to push out the pregnancy tissue.

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Q: Why does cramping occur in a miscarriage?
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Can you misscarrage at 4weeks?

Spotting during pregnancy can occur about the time you would usually have a period. However, with a miscarriage there is more active bleeding and tissue is passed with abdominal cramping. Just spotting does not indicate a miscarriage.

What does cramping accompanied by bleeding means?

Can be a miscarriage. Go see your doctor.

You had a day of bleeding now its turned brown you have no cramping is it a sign of miscarriage?

Brown is just old blood, if it was only slight bleeding and no cramping it was unlikely to be a miscarriage, just what is called a 'threatened' miscarriage. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound scan just to check all is well.

You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

I'm having a little cramping after having a miscarriage should I go to a hospital?

Only if they are very bad. Cramps after/during a miscarriage are normal

Is miscarriage at 5 weeks painful?

just a little more cramping than usual

What the signs of a miscarriage in a horse?

Vaginal discharge and bleeding.They may also experience cramping.

What happens to the baby if its still alive after a miscarriage?

Usually a miscarriage happens because the baby passed away, before any cramping or bleeding started.

I had a miscarriage in July and now I am pregnant again about 5 weks Today I started cramping but no bleeding should I be concerned?

Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding. Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding.

Can a miscarriage go unnoticed?

Yes for a few weeks. Sometimes there is no cramping and fetus coming out. It will show by a infection weeks later.Many miscarriages also occur before she knows she is pregnant and she thinks she just gets her period.

You had cramping for a couple hours mild cramping and dark spotting.Is this signs of miscarriage or is it normal?

Get to a doctor. Everything might be okay, but do you really want to take a chance?

I had a miscarriage sept 26 now I am cramping with some pain and bleeding could this be a period already?

yes..i got a period just 2 weeks after a miscarriage