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Q: Why does deep sea fish die when brought to the surface?
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Did any Anglerfish ever reached the surface and have witnesses seen one?

Not all Anglerfish are deep sea fish. For the ones that are, a few have been brought to the surface but in many cases, they die not long after being brought up.

What happens to the deep sea organisms if they are brought to the surface?

they usually die

Why do deep sea fish die when brought to surface?

Deep water fish have to adapt to the enormous pressure of the water above them. Their swim bladder contains gases that allows them to regulate the depth that they are at. If they are brought to the surface too quickly a lot of times their swim bladder expands or explodes pushing their stomaches to balloon out of their mouths. The best thing to do is to poke a hole in their chest cavity not their stomach, to give them a chance to live if released.

When lightnig strikes the sea why do not all the fish die?

Because the sea is deep. But some fish get zapped.

Your fish is staying at the top of the tank?

Some fish are surface fish and others are not. Without you saying what kind of fish it is that is at the surface it is impossible to say if anything is wrong. BUT! if the fish are breaking the surface and gasping for air, then you have a major water problem and need to do some very large water changes immediately. Otherwise your fish will die.

Are there any fish from the abyss that are featured in public aquariums?

I could find reference to only one. It is in the Oceanopolis in France. IT is very small and contains only shrimp and small crabs. Deep in the ocean, the pressures are enormous. Deep sea fish will die if exposed to the air pressure at the surface. They will pretty much explode, or their cells an organs will. They die. So they have to be kept under extremely high pressure. That is hard to do in large enclosures, as the _enclosure_will burst unless VERY strong. The forces on the enclosure go up as the surface area of the enclosure.

What do fish do for the water?

well first of all fish need water 24/7 so wut they do for water is that they jump up in the air and take a big deep,deep breath and die

When fish die do they go on the back and on there side?

Depending on how the fish died but most float at the surface with there stomaches facing up.

Can Bioluminescence fish die when its not under deep sea can it light even?

yes/no/maybe so

Can fish suffocate in plastic bags with water?

Yes. It's just like you or me being locked in a sealed room. Eventually there will be nothing for the fish to breathe to keep it alive. For example many fish during the winter months "die off" due to the surface freezing over in ponds with out fresh water being brought in by streams or rivers.

What things live in the deep sea?

Zara Gul : Deep sea creatures are fish and other creatures that live down in the deepest part of the ocean. It is very cold down at the bottom and there is no sunlight only the light produced by the some of the creatures. Almost every deep sea creature has a cell in their body that makes a light. Whales can dive to about 3,500 feet deep in search of their prey. The giant squid is one of the very few deep ocean creatures that can visit the ocean surface. The viperfish have long sharp clear teeth that they use to catch there prey. The hatchet fish has a light that attracts their prey. Gulper eels have huge heads and mouths so they can swallow their prey easily. They also have elastic stomachs, which allows them to eat fish larger then themselves. Angler fishes use a light on top of their head to catch their prey. The Rattail fish detects its prey with a whip like tail. A sea pen is a little worm like creature that lives and crawls on the ocean floor. Many fish larger than the Sea Pen make it their lunch.Many deep-sea creatures are black, there for they are easy to see with the light that is produced. But some deep-sea fish and prawns are bright red which makes it hard for them to be caught. Some fish, especially the hatchet fish and the lantern fish swim to the top to catch their prey. If a deep-sea fish or creature from the bottom of the ocean to the twilight zone is brought up to the surface, their organs and eyes will explode and they will die. Fish of the deep-sea have a light that they produce from a cell in there body. The light that they produce is a greenish-yellow colour.Only soft body animals can live at those depths such as jellyfish, sea anemones and other soft bodied animals, and other soft bodied animals.

What eat blobfish?

As a deep-sea fish with little muscle, the blobfish eats any matter that floats in front of it or has fish waste on it.