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Dolphus avoids white society due to the racist attitudes and treatment he faces being biracial. He finds more acceptance and comfort in the black community, where he is able to be more himself without judgment. Dolphus likely avoids white society to protect himself from further discrimination and prejudice.

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Q: Why does dolphus always avoid the white society?
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Who is dolphus ramond?

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The audience learns that Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a white man who pretends to be drunk because he prefers the company of Black people over the judgmental attitudes of white people in the town. He is sympathetic to the struggles of Black people and chooses to live on the margins of society to avoid facing prejudice.

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Why did dill assume that dolphus Raymond was poor white trash?

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How does dolphus Raymond explain dill's crying?

Dolphus makes fun of Dill for being a crybaby that pees himself.

In reference to dill what pessimistic note does Dolphus Raymond cast?

Dolphus Raymond understands that Dill is crying because Mr. Gilmer is being so condescending to Tom. While Dolphus does all he can to comfort Dill, he tells Dill that he (Dill) had better get used to it, because this is the way that whites treat blacks (and white who chose to associate with blacks). Dolphus doesn't have the optimistic outlook that Atticus and Miss Maudie seem to possess--that life and society can get better if people just learn that blacks are humans with feelings and rights just like whites.

Why does the community shun Dolphus Raymond in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The community shuns Dolphus Raymond in To Kill a Mockingbird because of his behavior and reputation for being a drunkard who lives with a black woman. He pretends to be drunk to avoid judgment and discrimination from others in Maycomb, allowing him to live as he wishes without interference from the community.

Chapter 16 what sort of person is dolphus Raymond?

Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man in Maycomb who is known for living with a black woman and children. He is perceived as a drunkard because he carries around a paper bag that appears to have alcohol, but in reality, it only contains Coca-Cola. Dolphus Raymond pretends to be a social outcast to protect himself and his family from the judgment of the community.

Is Mr Dolphus Raymond white or black?

Dolphus is a white man living with a black woman. The racial prejudices in the town maycomb where he lives force him to fake being a drunk. he enters the town with a beer bottle in his hand to imply to the townspeople that he is a drunk so they will not bother him about being with the black woman whom he loves and having mixed race children. he is a sinful man in the eyes of the people of maycomb. Hope this helped you ; )

How is Atticus' remark to Jem about why Tom was convicted similar to Dolphus Raymonds?

Atticus explains to Jem that the jury convicted Tom Robinson because they could not humble themselves to acquit a black man accused by a white person. Similarly, Dolphus Raymond pretends to be drunk to give the white community an excuse for his behavior, when in reality he is capable of making his own choices without judgment from others, which reveals the prejudice and hypocrisy in Maycomb's society. Both instances highlight the prevalence of racism and inequality in the town.