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coconuts contain a higher sugar percentage which therefore provides energy

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cos u did this in ur skool aaess

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Q: Why does dried coconut have more energy than dried potato?
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Why does 100g of coconut have more energy stored than equal mass of dried potato?

In a 100g of dried coconut, there are 650 calories while dried potato has only 354 calories in 100g.

Can a can of coconut be substituted with bagged coconut?

By bagged coconut I presume you mean dried coconut, if that is the case then yes you can. If the recipe calls for creamed coconut then mix enough water with the dried coconut to meet the consistency, if coconut milk is required then use more water until the desired consistency.

Does the potato bug eat potatoes?

Potato bugs do eat potato's but prefer other foods such as fruits ,humans dead skin, humans scabs ,and dried leafs and a lot more

What produce more energy a potato or a lemon?

In the short run, a lemon. For the carbs, and in the long run, a potato.

Does a potato give people energy?

Yes. It gives more if you boil it.

How does the energy content of the potato change if cooked in oil?

If the potato is cooked in cooking oil, the energy content of the potato would increase. This is because the oil would provide additional calories and fat to the potato, which would make it more energy-dense. Additionally, the cooking oil would make the potato more moist, tender, and flavorful.

What's the niche of the coconut tree in the tropical forest?

A coconut tree is a producer, meaning it obtains energy directly from nutrients absorbed from the air and soil, and harvests the energy of sunlight. A coconut tree, however, is more likely to occur on a beach than in a rain forest.

How does potato reproduce?

A potato is a tuber, a store of energy and a blueprint for the next seasons growth.When a potato is beginning to grow eyes appear on the skin, if planted it is the eyes that grow into a new plant.When the potato plant is fully grown it produces more potatoes.

What has more mass a potato or potato chip?

Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.

Why do places like dried rice fields have more static energy?

Dried vegetation has less pliability and liquid. Therefore, when it moves, static electricity increases as friction is continuously created.

What are the key components of the coconut oil diet?

Coconut oil diet has been seen to reduce weight loss. One of the components of the coconut oil helps speed up the metabolism, and release pressure on the pancreas. This, then, helps your body produce more energy to lose weight.

What has more mass a potato or a potato chip?

Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.