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Dumping waste affects people because it pollutes the earth. There is only one Earth and the more full it gets of trash, the more polluted it will be for our children.

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Q: Why does dumping waste effect people?
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because the waste dumped in the water.

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The real cost of dumping hazardous wastes is borne by the people whose health is affected by waste disposal.

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It could because toxic waste if a land animal drinks that they could become sick and die.

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The people might not listen to it and it is very costly.

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Toxic waste are chemicals that can injure or kill living things. The toxic may leak out into the soil or into drinking water and harm many things such as plants and animals.

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Marine dumping is the practice of throwing garbage or waste of any kind into the ocean to get rid of it.

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What is one of the negative consequences of dumping waste in?

It can pollute the groundwater.